from Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution via IFTTT
This week, German Minister of Food and Agriculture Julia Klöckner proposed an animal welfare ordinance that has some pet owners barking mad: a mandate to exercise one's dog twice a day. The ordinance would require that dogs be "permitted to exercise outside of a kennel at least twice a day for a total of at least one hour," according to the ministry. "This is to ensure that dogs are given sufficient exercise and contact with environmental stimuli." "Pets are not cuddly toys — their needs must be taken into account," Klöckner said. The ministry suggested the exercise might take the form of a walk, or letting the dog run around outside. The ordinance has stirred much discussion in the German press. "Two hours of walking will soon be mandatory?" asks one headline . "Is the paternalism going too far?" demands another. "I don't believe in regulation!" golden retriever owner Helge Melzer told the tabloid Bild . ...