from Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution via IFTTT
When we’re bored, we mindlessly snack on bad carbs or shop for shoes online, but what does your cat do? You may believe Fluffy is never bored, thanks to approximately 47,253 cat toys , three plush cat beds and top-quality cat treats . But cats can experience boredom, and sometimes express it in unappreciated ways that do not involve playing Candy Crush (shredded drapes, anyone?). Marilyn Krieger, certified cat behavior consultant and founder of The Cat Coach, LLC , described some of the warning signs of boredom that cat parents should be aware of. “Typically, cats who do not have enough mental or physical stimulation become bored. They may be left alone for hours without other people or animals to interact with,” she says “Bored kitties live in a boring environment—they do not have toys to play with, objects to climb or other mental stimulation.” Over-grooming or other repetitive behaviors. Cats may repeatedly lick themselves, pull out their fur ...