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NEW PUPPY SURVIVAL GUIDE: How To Leash Train Your Puppy!

from Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution via IFTTT

Top 6 items should have for a Beach Trip with Your Dog

 Hitting the beach with your dog is one of the ultimate ways to spend a summer day. But before dogs can frolic in the sand and swim in the sea, pet parents need to be prepared and pack accordingly for a canine-friendly beach trip.

“Extended periods in the sun, extended periods in the outdoors on a warm day, or extended play in hot weather can lead to overheating and heat stroke—a serious and potentially fatal condition for dogs,” says Dr. Jerry Klein, a chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Everyday essentials like a leash and harness are always important, but to prevent heatstroke and other potential beach dangers, pet parents should bring the following items when they hit the coast with their canine companions.

PETRIP Dog Travel Bag Set

You can prepare all need items for your dog trips easy and minimize space.
Dog Traveling Luggage Set for Dog Accessories

"This more than met my expectations! We do a lot of traveling via car and camping with our dogs. I stumbled upon this and thought “it sure would be nice to keep all the dog stuff together when we travel”. It just so happened we were getting ready to drive to Florida from Ohio and back for vacation and I decided to buy this. First off I love that the food holding part of this connects to the outside and doesn’t take up a large part of the inside Like others do. This was a huge factor in choosing this one. The whole thing is much bigger than I anticipated. The food part holds so much food that a 9 day trip with both dogs only used about half of the food I packed in it, granted they’re smaller dogs (Maltese/mini pinscher mix and Maltipoo) in addition to two other dogs there that kept sneaking up and eating our dog food. I was able to pack all of their vet records and just in case medicines, tons of toys, a couple shirts, a bin of treats and still had plenty of room left. It was so nice having everything together so when I needed something quickly at a rest stop I knew exactly where it was. And as a bonus it fit perfectly on the floor behind the center console. My larger of the two dogs favorite seat is the center console however it’s not quite long enough for him to lay comfortably on long trips so this essentially extended the center console for him and he loved it!"

Sunscreen for Dogs

Sunscreen for Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned if they’re outdoors and unprotected for an extended period of time. So, make sure your beach bag includes some sunscreen formulated specifically for dogs, says Dr. Julie Cappel, managing veterinarian at Warren Woods Veterinary Hospital in Warren, Michigan.

Don’t use regular human sunscreen on dogs. Opt for a sunscreen that is made specifically for canines—or, if you’re in a pinch, sunscreen formulated for babies—and always pay close attention to the label. Zinc oxide and octisalate, two common ingredients in human sunscreen, can be toxic if licked off fur, cautions Cappel. “Sun-protective clothing, hats, goggles and T-shirts may also be used on dogs that will tolerate them,” she adds.

A Tent or Large Umbrella

tent beach tent portable tent pop-up tent pop up tent sun shade camping tent shade beachDogs should always have access to a cool area while on the beach, so pack something that is large enough to provide respite from the hot sun. “A trip to the beach, or other outings, should include some form of shade for your dog, such as a canopy or umbrella,” says Klein. “Be certain that whatever you use provides enough shade to cover the entire animal.”

“Dogs can overheat easily while playing in the hot sun,” adds Cappel. “So it is up to the owner to force them to take breaks in the shade to cool down so they don’t suffer from hyperthermia.

Protective Booties and Towels

Protective Booties and Towels

Just as you pack flip-flops and water shoes to protect your feet from hot sand and rocks, it’s important to bring some protective gear for your dog’s paws. “Hot sand can burn your dog’s paw pads,” says Klein. Dog booties or specially designed paw wax can help protect your pet from burns and sharp objects.

Klein also recommends bringing a towel to protect your dog’s body from hot sand while resting or lying down. “Because so much of a dog’s body is close to the sand, especially for shorter legged breeds, the warmth from the sand can contribute to overheating—even if a dog is in the shade and not exerting himself,” he says. “Be sure to bring a towel for the dog to lay on.”

Bottled Water and a Bowl


Hydration is key to preventing heatstroke in dogs, so pack plenty of fresh, bottled water and a collapsible water bowl that you can easily carry with you on beach walks.

Never let dogs drink saltwater, warns Cappel. “Saltwater can cause gastrointestinal upset and even toxicity when ingested,” she says. “Dogs should be supervised and not allowed to drink the beach water. They should be rinsed off with clean water after swimming to prevent salt ingestion or skin irritation.

A Dog Life Vest

A Dog Life Vest

If you are planning on boating with your dog or allowing your dog to swim in deeper water, a life vest is essential. “Not all dogs can swim. Even those that can will tire out. Unfortunately, they can’t tell you when they are tired,” says Klein. “It’s very important that dogs have life vests when out on a boat, raft, or another floating device—basically anywhere a dog might not have access to easily get out of the water.”

When choosing a life vest for your dog, Cappel has some recommendations. “The straps should be adjustable in order to provide a good fit for each dog,” she says. “There should be a sturdy handle over the dog’s back, so he can be lifted from the water to a boat or dock if necessary. The vest should have padded straps for comfort and be lightweight to prevent the dog from getting too hot while wearing it.”

A First Aid Kit

A First Aid Kit

No matter how careful you are during beach excursions with your dog, accidents can happen. Pet parents should bring along a basic dog first aid kit so they’re prepared to address minor injuries. “It is smart to always have a small first aid kit along on any trip with a dog just in case they cut their paw on something in the sand or tear a toenail,” says Cappel. “The kit should have something to clean a wound, antibiotic ointment, bandage material and bandage tape.”

Packing a dog thermometer in your canine first aid kit can also come in handy if you suspect your dog may be overheating. A normal dog body temperature should be 100-102 degrees Fahrenheit; anything over 103 degrees is considered too high and the dog should be taken to an conditioned area and allowed to cool down, advises Cappel. If your dog’s body temperature registers 105 degrees or higher, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian for emergency treatment.


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 BRAIN TRAINING FOR DOGS About the Author Adrienne Farricelli has been working professionally with dogs for more than a decade. She got her start in 2006 working in an animal hospital, and in 2007 she started volunteering at the local shelter, where she fostered and trained pets in need of temporary homes. She is currently a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. She holds dual certification in dog training. In 2010, after undergoing more than 200 hours of apprenticeship under a master dog trainer, she became certified by the Italian Association for Dog Trainers and Canine Consultants. After teaching basic and advanced obedience classes in Missouri and spending the summer teaching Canine Musical Freestyle, she obtained certification by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT-KA®) in the United States. Ms. Farricelli is a force-free trainer using scientifically based training methods focused on the rewarding world of positive  reinforcement  ...

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  How do you know if you have a slow dog?  He brings you yesterday’s paper. Despite this older riddle, most dogs are not “slow.” They can learn to follow directions,  perform tricks , and work at jobs, just like people. Unfortunately, they do not learn these things alone. They need your help, guidance, and patience to be successful. Teaching your dog basic obedience commands is one of the first things you should do when you  own a dog , no matter  what breed  it is.  Make sure you are ready to be a  responsible owner . Contents [ HIDE ] 1  Why Train My Dog? 2  Who Trains Your Dog? 3  Patience & Why it’s Important 4  Training Lessons 4.1  Sit 4.2  Come 4.3  Leave It 4.4  Stay 4.5  Off 4.6  Lie Down 4.7  Go Hurry Up 4.8  Move Please 4.9  Wait 4.10  Watch Me 4.11  Heel 4.12  Walk on a Leash 4.13  Stand 4.14  Be Gentle Why Train My Dog? Training your dog help...


 Dogs are a very loyal animal to humans. They are adorable animals and bring a lot of joy to humans. However, to train your puppy to be obedient, it takes effort and persistence from you. So how can you turn a stubborn dog for 10 minutes a day into an obedient, obedient dog? And congratulations to all dog readers, especially puppies, for the access to this PetHealth article. This is the 2nd article in our series of dog training. The article will help you know how to train 4 basic commands at home in the shortest time each day. Before training the puppies should give them their names We humans need a name to distinguish one person from another. Your dog too, has a name to know who he is. When they remember their name, it becomes easier to train. A dog will be more attentive when it is called by its owner. So how do you make your dog remember his name? First you choose for them a name that is beautiful and interesting. But should be short and easy to remember a little bit! Then every...


 BRAIN TRAINING FOR DOGS About the Author Adrienne Farricelli has been working professionally with dogs for more than a decade. She got her start in 2006 working in an animal hospital, and in 2007 she started volunteering at the local shelter, where she fostered and trained pets in need of temporary homes. She is currently a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. She holds dual certification in dog training. In 2010, after undergoing more than 200 hours of apprenticeship under a master dog trainer, she became certified by the Italian Association for Dog Trainers and Canine Consultants. After teaching basic and advanced obedience classes in Missouri and spending the summer teaching Canine Musical Freestyle, she obtained certification by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT-KA®) in the United States. Ms. Farricelli is a force-free trainer using scientifically based training methods focused on the rewarding world of positive  reinforcement  ...