Cat Spraying No More Review – Does It Stop The Peeing?

Cats are amazing pets in so many ways. They’re fun to be around and really cute (most of the time). Cat lovers will agree with me on this.
Younger cats are even cuter. However, what comes with all these pleasant things? Peeing! Spraying! The sound of these words can make you go crazy.
Untrained cats can pee and spray everywhere, making your house stink to high heavens. Can you imagine having to call professional cleaners every week to clean your carpets, floors, couches, and even your bedding?
It’s just disgusting. If you’re going through this, I totally feel you. I was in your shoes at one time.
Many people believe that aside from spaying and neutering, which doesn’t always fix everything, there’s no solution for this. They end up suffering for many years in silence.
Can you actually make your cat stop urinating and spraying its liquids everywhere? Is there a simple and foolproof process for achieving it?
In this article, I’m going to review Cat Spraying No More by Sarah Richards and talk about my personal experience with it as a cat owner.
Cat Spraying No More is a product that claims to help cat owners train their cats to stop peeing and spraying everywhere. But does it actually work? How good is the content and instruction inside the program?

My name is Kevin, and in addition to being a dog trainer, I’m a passionate cat owner and pet enthusiast in general.
For more than a decade, I have had many cats in my home. My passion for keeping cats is tremendous, and this is how I found myself dealing with a spraying problem in the first place.
There was a time years ago when I had 9 cats in the home. It was a lot of work making sure they were all taken care of, and having them running around, climbing my furniture, and playing with my kids was an interesting experience for my family and I.
My Story – Some Background
You might be wondering how I ended up with 9 cats. Well, one of my cats gave birth to several litters of kittens – 12 of them in just one year, to be exact. Unfortunately, four of them died, leaving me with 9 kittens plus their mother. It was a difficult period, but our family had to move past it.
I’ll admit that before I discovered Cat Spraying No More, I went through hell with my cats. I was fighting a part of me that I didn’t want to come out.
I remember one morning when I woke up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Mind you, I had a scheduled meeting at 9 a.m. This was an important meeting in which I had to give a presentation, and I had spent several night preparing for it.
But guess what? It never happened. Why? My cats!
I forgot to tell you that I had placed my well-ironed shirt on the bed before going to the bathroom. When I came back, my bedroom was a mess!
My two cats had peed all over, including on my perfect shirt. I had no other dress shirt to put on since I had just recently moved into that house, and most of my clothes were still being moved out of my old place.
I figured that I could borrow a shirt from a neighbour or zip out to the store to buy a shirt, but I didn’t have time. Once I was informed that the start of the meeting had passed and that people were leaving, I didn’t even bother getting dressed and going over there.
I was dealing with my cats’ urination problems for a while leading up to this, but this incident pushed me to my breaking point. I had to do something to get their peeing in order.
Getting rid of my cats obviously wasn’t an option. They were spayed and neutered, but they were still spraying. I did research online, but it didn’t help.
That’s when I came across a product called Cat Spraying No More, by SPCA Veterinary Technician Sarah Richards. Its promises really intrigued me, so I decided to purchase it and was also fortunate to be given a discount.
My Thoughts On Cat Spraying No More
In short, Cat Spraying No More is definitely the real deal. Let me explain…
It’s a complete program that, at its core, consists of an 11-chapter book. This book covers in detail a complete, proven, step-by-step system for stopping your cat from peeing and spraying outside of the litter box.
Included is a special herbal repellent mix that will break your cat’s habit of peeing in unwanted places, real-life examples of how other people have stopped their own cats from spraying in the house, signs to look out for, important rules and guidelines, and much more.
Cat Spraying No More is packed with the information that you need to not only stop your cat from peeing and spraying, but also to improve your cat’s health, well-being, and happiness.
I took my time going through the material and understanding it. The good thing is that the book is clear and easy to follow, and it’s written quite simply.
One thing I liked about the product is that there was neither emotional nor physical stress I would expose my cats to. At no point did I yell or act aggressively towards my cats when they peed.
I also learned how to be patient with them. The book helped me understand that I needed the patience to train my cats and that it wouldn’t happen overnight. I want to be clear about that: it will not be an overnight fix, but with persistent effort and action, it can be done.
I also made use of the provided herbal remedies, and my cats slowly developed the discipline of peeing in the litter box. I could spray herbal repellent mixes in my living room and it would totally deter my cats from peeing there.
One of the greatest benefits of all was being able to understand cat psychology. After reading Cat Spraying No More, I was able to tell when my cat was sick and when it was stressed about something. It was definitely worth it.
What Exactly You Get With Cat Spraying No More
What exactly does Cat Spraying No More offer to cat owners like me?
In addition to the core book with the step-by-step guide on getting your cat to stop peeing and spraying outside the litter box, the product also comes with several helpful bonuses:
Bonus 1: Cat Training Bible
This bonus teaches you how to train your cat in general. In covers all of the most popular cat training techniques including car door training, collar training, and trick training.
I personally didn’t think this would be very useful, but it actually contains really good guidance for training your cat. Definitely take a look at this when you get the chance. You can see a preview of it here.
Bonus 2: 101 Recipes For A Healthy Cat
This bonus provides a collection of tasty and healthy recipes for your cat, including crispy trout, salmon pate, birthday treats, and more.
I would definitely go through this and see if you like any of the recipe ideas.
Bonus 3: The Cat Care Blueprint
This bonus provides guidance and advice on how to properly care for your cat so it’s a happy and healthy member of the family.
I suggest all cat owners look over this. I did, and I learned several things that I never even thought of before.
Bonus 4: Pet Medical Recorder Software
This is a software that helps you keep track of your cat’s most important medical treatment records – for example, worming or vaccinations. You can view at a glance when treatments need repeating, and you can record details like medicines, medical history, health insurance details, etc.
This seems like it can be useful, but I haven’t used it myself because I prefer other means of keeping track of information related to my cats. It’s up to you whether or not you want to use this.
Here’s what Cat Spraying No More will do for you:
- It helps you understand why your cat has a bad peeing habit. Sometimes, health conditions may cause it to pee in any case.
- It gives you some excellent methods of teaching your cat to pee in the litter box.
- It shows you how to make herbal mixes that you can spray around your house to prevent your cat from peeing there.
- It shows you how you can take advantage of your cat’s instincts in order to train it.
- It shows you how to relieve stress in your cat and stop it from peeing and spraying everywhere.
- It explains the symptoms you should look out for when your cat pees that may indicate a health issue.
- It gives you tips on setting up a litter box.
- It gives you the dos, don’ts, and common mistakes concerning cat training.
Here are some of the most attractive benefits of the program:
- It doesn’t make you contain your cat in one place for a long time.
- You don’t have to spend hours looking for the source of urine smell in your house.
- You get to enjoy a clean and odor-free house. You can invite your friends around any time without worrying.
- You don’t have to clean your house all the time, let alone call professional cleaners every two days because of smelly carpets.
- You will definitely enjoy your cat’s presence more.
Cat Spraying No More Pros and Cons
Of course, this product isn’t perfect, so I put together a list of pros and cons to help undecided people make their decision.
What I like:
- It works for cats of all ages.
- It’s a cost-effective solution to your cat’s peeing and spraying.
- The methods and strategies work when implemented correctly.
- It doesn’t require harming cats or confining them in one place.
- In addition to stopping peeing outside the litter box, it teaches you how to train your cat and improve its health and happiness.
- The book is easy to read and understand.
- It has a 60-day money-back guarantee.
- The bonuses are surprisingly useful.
What I don’t like:
- There are no videos or infographics in the guide. If you want visual demonstrations, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
- It requires some patience and consistent effort for this to work.
- Every cat is different, and some cats will respond differently to the methods taught in Cat Spraying No More. You may need to put in more time and effort to see results in your specific case.
- The book download is in digital format. People who like reading physical books will need to print this themselves.
In addition to the pros and cons above, I want to say this: I realize that the sales page for the product looks a little bland and outdated, but don’t let that deter you. The content inside is really worth it.
Check out this testimonial video:
My Results After Using Cat Spraying No More
The benefits I got from this product changed my whole experience with my cats. I enjoy their company so much more now. Our bonds are stronger, and our family home is a more pleasant environment to be in.
In just a few weeks after implementing the training in the guide, I could happily watch my cats run to the litter box to pee. This was a great turning point for me after years of difficulty.
As time went by, my cats all adjusted to the new training and stopped peeing on my carpets and couches. Professional cleaners stopped frequenting my home. I had the cleanest house in the neighborhood, smelling great all the time. And it’s all thanks to Cat Spraying No More.
Conclusion: Very Pleased With Cat Spraying No More
No one referred me to this product; I found it on my own. But I’m so glad I did.

Before I saw the price, I was worried that it would be unaffordable. To my pleasant surprise, this wasn’t the case at all.
I got good value out of most of the bonuses, and the methods and strategies taught inside the product worked really well for me. It’s absolutely not a scam.
My suggestion? Definitely try it. There’s a money-back period, and there’s no risk. Chances are that if you have problems with your cats peeing or spraying around the house, this is going to help you. It helped me successfully train 4 cats at once. How about just one or two?
Thanks for reading my review. See my summary and rating below. If you have any questions, feedback or comments, feel free to drop them in the comments
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