Dogs are a very loyal animal to humans. They are adorable animals and bring a lot of joy to humans. However, to train your puppy to be obedient, it takes effort and persistence from you. So how can you turn a stubborn dog for 10 minutes a day into an obedient, obedient dog?
And congratulations to all dog readers, especially puppies, for the access to this PetHealth article. This is the 2nd article in our series of dog training. The article will help you know how to train 4 basic commands at home in the shortest time each day.
Before training the puppies should give them their names
We humans need a name to distinguish one person from another. Your dog too, has a name to know who he is. When they remember their name, it becomes easier to train. A dog will be more attentive when it is called by its owner.
So how do you make your dog remember his name?
First you choose for them a name that is beautiful and interesting. But should be short and easy to remember a little bit!
Then every day read out loud and clear their names, and look directly at the dog. When they look back at you, don't forget to reward them
Continue doing so for as long as you just name them looking at you
Train your puppy to run when you call
Once your dog has memorized his name, you can start training it. And this is a very basic command that many people apply and succeed at home.
First, you stand about 5 meters away from them. If the dog runs after you and refuses to sit still, ask someone else to help keep it in that position. Then you call out their names with a command. The command could be "come here", "run here" ... accompanied by a wave of hands, clapping hands. If they come, reward them and praise them fondly. Repeat this command every day.
Once the dog gets used to the 5m distance, continue with the 10m farther. Keep doing the same movements and commands until the dog gets used to it. Do not forget to reward and caress to praise them!
Note when training puppies:
When training anything, you need to be consistent with the command. Do not use many commands in the process of training a dog habit.
Absolutely do not beat, scold if they do not listen to you. Be calm and patient
Apply the order wherever you can. For example, when walking with them, you can call out a name and command the dog to run to you.
Train your puppy to sit down
This is a pretty easy command. Puppies will most likely do this. This command is great for future training because when they sit still, the lessons will be more light instead of running or fidgeting. To do it, follow these 3 stages:
State 1:
Use bait at this stage. Remember to choose the food your dog loves the most. Stand in front of the dog and place the bait right in front of the dog's nose and begin the sit command
Usually the dog will jump up to grab the food. But instruct the dog not to do so, but to sit down by bringing the bait up in the direction of the top of their head, luring the bait higher than their nose. This way, the dog will pull his nose under the bait, the hind legs will lower and sit down. When you see them sitting down, immediately reward them and praise them. Repeat several times with the voice command sit every day
Phase 2:
During this stage you use your hands instead of using bait as before. Reach out in front of the dog, move your hands exactly like you did in stage 1, and order sit. If your dog will sit down, reward him and continue to praise him. If they refuse to sit, repeat Stage 1
Stage 3:
Once your dog gets used to the sit command by hand, move through to this stage using the sit command.
Say the voice command sit down and move your hand a little away from the dog's face. If the dog is sitting, reward and praise him
If the dog refuses to sit, move your hand a little closer to its head. If the dog still refuses to sit, repeat stage 2. The ants try again and again until they understand your sitting order.
Note when training your puppy to sit:
This is an easy command to learn for a puppy, but takes time and perseverance. If you force them to study for a long period of time during the day it will distract them. Instead keep applying this command to every situation instead. For example, when feeding them, make them sit before they can eat.
Train your puppy to lie down
Once the puppy has learned the command to sit, you can train him to lie down like this:
Follow the command to sit with your dog. Once the dog is seated, start giving the command to lie down by shouting “lie down” or “lie down”, and at the same time gently press down on the dog's shoulders, pull out their front legs as if submitting a letter of submission. Execute this command again and again.
Once your dog has gotten used to and is able to respond to the lying command, move away from it. If they do, come back and tell them to lie down. When the dog lies down and you move on to another place. If they don't follow, reward them and praise them.
Train your puppy to stay still
Train your puppy to stay still is to create focus. This command also takes time and patience to teach them.
Stand in front of them and say "yes yes". If they do, reward them and praise them. Repeat this command many times.
Once your dog gets used to the command, move away from it. If they do, go back and say the command. When the dog understands to stay still, move on. If they don't follow, reward them.
Be persistent in training your puppy
These are the four basic dog training commands that can all be done at home. You need to be patient and be very calm in training your puppy.
If you have done all of the above and after a while, your dog is still not making progress, you can bring your dog to the pet health Training Center. Here, with a team of experienced coaches and handy equipment, we always meet all training needs. From training a dog to the right toilet to training a guard dog, sniffing dog ... will surely make you satisfied.
Or you can read more Brain training for dog books about how to train your dog.
Hopefully, through this tutorial, you can train your dog to be smarter
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